Brian R Pitt, M.B.A.
Broker / Realtor
Direct: (818) 640-4756

Lindsay C. Pitt
Direct: (301) 351-9827

Ten Tips for Selling Your Home

  1. Make the Most of First Impressions: We've all heard how important "curb appeal" is. A well-manicured lawn, neatly trimmed shrubs and colorful flowers will aide in making a good first impression. Putting a fresh coat of paint on the front door is also a welcome improvement. 

  2. Invest Your Time for Future Dividends: This is your chance to clean up in real estate. Cleaning the interior of your home, putting a fresh coat of paint to areas which are faded, scuffed or just outdated can make a big difference to potential buyers. 

  3. Make Room for Space: Remember, potential buyers are looking for more than just comfortable living space. They are looking for storage and room to grow into as well. Make sure your attic and closets are clean and free of unnecessary items.  

  4. Does Your Bathroom Sparkle? Bathrooms sell homes. Check and repair damaged or unsightly caulking in the tubs and showers. Display your best towels, rugs and shower curtains.
  5. Create Dream Bedrooms: Show off the cozy comforts of your bedrooms. Get rid of excess furniture and add colorful bedspreads and fresh curtains.
  6. Turn the Sun On! Let the sunshine in! Pull back curtains and drapes so prospects can see how bright and cheery your home is. Turn on lights when rooms and days are dark, both inside and out! Lights add color and warmth, and makes the prospect feel at home.
  7. Avoid Crowded Scenes: Potential buyers often feel like intruders when they enter a home. Let your realtor show the home while you and the family enjoy dinner out!
  8. Watch Your Pets: Dogs and cats are great companions, but not when you are showing your home! Animals can get underfoot, and some people don't react well around animals. Keep pets outside or kenneled during a showing.
  9. Home Odors: How does your home smell to guests? We often get accustomed to odors in our home. If you own pets, smoke, you may want to have carpets shampooed and drapery dry cleaned. Make sure you don't have a fish fry before a showing! Light a lightly scented candle or bake an apple pie prior to visitors.
  10. Keep a Low Profile: Nobody knows your home as well as you do, however, your realtor knows the buyers ? what they need and what they want. Allow your realtor to do their job. They will have an easier time articulating the virtues of your home if you stay in the background.


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